The NSS Unit of Women’s College of Arts and Commerce, Nagpur organised a guest lecture on ‘Road Safety’ with the intention of spreading awareness about road safety amongst the students and inculcating in them a sense of social responsibility.
On January 21, a guest lecture was organised to create awareness among students about road safety in the college seminar hall. Hon. Savitritai Rokde, President, and Principal Dr. N. R. Dixit inaugurated the program.
Mr. Atul Sahurkar, HR Manager of Coca Cola Company, Nagendra Prasad, Pranay Roy, and Akshay Pakhide were the Resource Persons for the program. In his address, Mr. Pranay Roy highlighted on the importance of road safety by emphasising on the increasing frequency and severity of road accidents in India. He also briefly discussed the various challenges in the transport sector and focused on educating the students about traffic safety. It was a very interactive session. A total of 68 students attended the talk.
Dr. Singanjude compered the program. The program was successful due to the coordination of Dr. M. D. Gulhane, Dr. P. R. Gulhane, Prof. Borkute, Dr. Shamkure, Dr. Vijaya Raut, Prof. Pranay Date and Prof. Vishal Sorte Sir.